GenePath is a result of a collaboration between Bioinformatics Laboratory at
Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX. A number of people that specialize either in biology and genetics or in computer science participate in this project. The genetic and biological background of GenePath was defined by:
Gad Shaulsky, Dept. of Molecular and Human Genetics, BCM
Adam Kuspa, Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and Dept. of Molecular and Human Genetics, BCM
GenePath combines different methods of AI and integrates them within a common platform. Responsible for this development were:
Peter Juvan, developed the latest versions of GenePath with a number of extensions including experiment proposal, dealing with experiment confidences, what-if analysis, and other. Peter is also the principal author of GenePath's web-based interface.
Blaz Zupan and Janez Demsar developed the first version of GenePath that ran in the Prolog programming language.
Ivan Bratko used Prolog to implement methods that combine abduction and qualitative reasoning.
Tomaz Curk and Urban Borstnik prototyped the mechanism that
reverses the ineference patterns and uses them for proposal
of genetic experiments. This was tested in the early version of GenePath and then redesigned and reimpemented in the web-based application.
Other project members include John Halter and J. Robert Beck,
and a number of students at University of Ljubljana that are
helping in testing and prototyping new approaches in GenePath.
We would like to acknowledge the financial support by
a grant from the National Institute of Child Health and
Human Development (P01 HD39691-01), by a Program and Project grant (J2-3387-1539) from The Slovene Ministry of Education, Science and Sport The Slovene Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, by a travel grant from the National Academy of Sciences under the Collaboration in Basic Science and Engineering supported by Contract No. INT-0002341 from the National Science Foundation, and by a grant for scientific and technological cooperation from The Slovene Ministry of Education, Science and Sport.